Monthly Archives: December 2020


I’m sad and I miss you and I always miss you but I’m having a hard time right now. I just wish you would come walking into my house like no time has passed. Our kids- your kids, they’re growing into wonderful people . I wish you were here to see that, I wish I could hug you and I would feel so much better. I never thought I would be going through life without you. You would be so happy and I would too. Not just going through the motions sometimes but be genuinely be happy and complete . White Christmas came on the radio today and I laughed instead of crying even though I wanted to cry. I cannot for the life of me remember why we thought that song was so funny because it’s not a funny song , it’s a beautiful song but we would laugh so hard that we could never finish it. So much has happened since you’ve been gone , a lifetime it seems. I haven’t had a dream of you in a while and I could really use one . They say that if you dream of someone that has passed and you realize they shouldn’t be there and the person that passed doesn’t actually talk to you that they’re “ visiting “ you ♥️ I need you to visit me again. I remember a dream and I was on the deck at the house on Pope and the sun was shining on my face and it was so warm and all of a sudden there you were. It took my breath , it took all of my breath and you came and sat on my lap and I hugged you and smelled you and felt your curly hair and I never wanted it to end. I’ll miss you this Christmas, me and everyone else and I’ll hug your boys extra tight and tell them how proud I am of them and how proud you would be. I love you and I miss you Mandy, Merry Christmas .